023 ASA Fotograaf Tessa Witvoet

About Bart Spekking

Inspires, motivates, sets things in motion and brings about change


Bart Spekking has built up many years of in-depth experience in change management. Proven success, passion, inspiration and extensive ‘hands-on’ expertise, with respect to content as well as empathy.

“As an interim professional I adopt an open and coaching attitude towards colleagues and stakeholders involved. By using these soft skills a safe working environment is created. This enables those involved to be critical, which leads to a self-learning organization. In addition I provide a professional structure, which forms the basis to build upon.”

The ‘core business’ consists of process change and process optimization of back-office activities. Getting the organization on board fills me with energy and unconditional infectious enthusiasm.

“Because of my interest in people I enjoy networking in large, complex organizations as well as in start-ups. On a national and international basis. My many years of experience enable me to automatically and quickly clarify processes. Because of this, combined with an affinity for IT and a broad knowledge of administrative / controlling processes, I am able to quickly solve problems and skilfully understand processes.”

“Problem-solving thinking skills and getting people on board at every level. That is what makes me unique.”

Bart Spekking (1968) lives in Amsterdam